Semič Museum House
The nature of Bela krajina is wonderful. The Museum House reveals parts of the most important corners, such as geology, waters, karst phenomena, white birch trees, Birch forest with bracken undergrowth
Oton Župančič Memorial House
In the Memorial house of the poet Oton Župančič in Vinica, meet the giant of Slovenian Modernism.
Črnomelj Town Museum
Explore the history of the town of Črnomelj
Semič Museum House
The nature of Bela krajina is wonderful. The Museum House reveals parts of the most important corners, such as geology, waters, karst phenomena, white birch trees, Birch forest with bracken undergrowth
Bela Krajina Museum
Tour of the permanent exhibition Bela Krajina in the reflection of seven thousand years / Life and legacy of our ancestors
Come and hike in Bela Krajina
Come and get your measure of nature and culture

Mesto, ki »melje črno«, kot pove njegovo ime, so začeli klicati Črnomelj zaradi mlinarja, ki je v starko preoblečeni dobri vili namesto bele moke namlel črno, pa ga je kaznovala. A Črnomelj ni poseben le po imenu, ampak tudi po zasnovi mesta, ki se v obliki zvezde povezuje s cestami iz Ljubljane, Novega mesta, Zagreba in Reke.

Semič se ponaša z obsežnimi gozdovi in plitvim, a čarobnim kraškim svetom, ki ga zaznamujejo steljniki, travniki ter vinograd zasajen na Semiški gori. Za tiste, ki iščejo umik od množic in vsakodnevnega vrveža, je Semiški konec kot nalašč. Prijaznost, mir in avtentične dogodivščine ter običaji bogatijo turistično ponudbo tega kraja.

Metlika, the small town in the southeastern part of Slovenia, is a real treasure trove of history, culture, and natural beauty. Just a few kilometers from Ljubljana, lies this magical place, with its old town center full of turbulent history.

Lahinja Landscape Park

Kolpa Landscape Park

Events call to Bela Krajina
Choose your own authentic experience with Bela Krajina hospitality
Bela Krajina calls under the stars
Relax in the embrace of a mystical nature
Choose your accommodationBela Krajina calls to the table
Dishes that you must try in Bela Krajina
It's peaceful here, but there's still a lot happening
Bela krajina SKUPAJ: prva belokranjska turistična borza
Lahinja trail – prva slovenska prireditev na poti zero waste s tremi zvezdicami
Bela krajina pridobila dva outdoor certifikata
Bela krajina je bogatejša za dva ponudnika z znakom Slovenia Green!
Lahinja Trail 2024: Tega nismo pričakovali
Češke in slovaške outdoor agencije v Beli krajini
Bela krajina ponovno v TOP 100 Green Destinations
Pripravljamo se na 2. Lahinja Trail
Green Scheme
Bela Krajina is not only white but also green
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