Craft Workshops in the Šokec Homestead

Get to Know the Ethnological Tradition of Bela krajina

The Šokec Homestead is a traditional farmers’ home and one of the protected cultural monuments of Bela krajina. There you can, together with a mentor, create purely unique souvenirs and take them home. You can make a bookmark out of flax yarn, paint a Bela krajina easter egg or envelop a bar of soap in a woolen shirt. For the creation of your own souvenirs, you will use natural Bela krajina materials, such as wool and flax. During the two-hour workshops, you will get to know the ethnological heritage of Bela krajina and the stories of the Šokec Homestead which date back to the Turkish invasions.
The Šokec Homestead is located in the protected area, the Kolpa Landscape Park, which is known for its biodiversity you will see up close. You will also get to know the path of the flax “from the seed to the dress” and learn about how it became an indispensable part of the Bela krajina everyday life, history and folklore. The presentation is held in the Adlešiči dialect.



6 EUR/oseba


120 min

Maximum number of participants:



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Craft Workshops in the Šokec Homestead
Žuniči 2, SI 8341 Adlešiči

Šokec Homestead