Life in the countryside today and in the past
Landscape Park Lahinja
We meet the children in the parking lot at the entry into the Landscape Park Lahinja. We head towards the Infocentre, where we visit a Bela krajina farm house with a black kitchen. We will have a crack at farm chores our ancestors performed a hundred years ago – carrying water from the well to the black kitchen, “making” light, ironing with embers and rubbing down the floor. This is followed by virtual exploration of the Lahinja Regional Park with the help of 360°glasses, with their help, we will see the most important park elements.
In the end, children prepare an old farm lunch with local apple juice and sausages.
Duration: 3–4 school hours
The programme is suitable for the 1st and 2nd triad of elementary school. The pupils must be suitably equipped (water, footwear).
Price: 5 eur/person
- Veliki Nerajec 11
- 8343 Dragatuš
- gregor.smalcelj@ric-belakrajina.si
- +386 40 842 717
- https://www.kp-lahinja.si/sl

Lahinja Landscape Park
In the heart of Bela krajina, the Lahinja River also surprises with its unique features, lined with forests, marshes, and moist meadows. The protected area, which includes the headwaters and 7 kilometers of the river's upper course, is a real treasure trove of botanical specialties. Lahinja Landscape Park is rich in natural and cultural heritage, which is confirmed by eight protected natural, six cultural monuments, and two nature reserves. In the park, you can see the Klepčev mill and the Venetian sawmill, the church of All Saints with the "bell tower on the horsetail", the information point of the park, the Bela kranjina house, the Gallery of Domestic and Artistic Crafts...