The exhibition Homeland is culture
Did you know that Črnomelj was the capital of Slovenia in 1944?
The experiential, animation and interactive exhibition describes and shows what happened in Bela Krajina and Črnomlje during World War II, when the area became the first liberated territory in Slovenia. The installation includes an active visitor who can independently or with guidance recognize the important role of the homeland, freedom and culture.
At the exhibition, you can watch a short film about the events in the liberated territory, original works of art by Božidar Jakac, play shepherd's table games, perform theatrical excerpts with props and costumes, and become participants in the session. Through the interactive touch screens, you can explore great Slovenian artists and play various games (memory, quizzes, drawing, literary stickers, radio announcements, singing songs).
Driving is possible only after prior notice. The price for a guided tour (2-20 people) is 50 euros, and the price of guided tours depends on the offer and the number of people
An independent tour is also possible.
We offer the organization of an experience for collectives, schools and larger groups, which, in addition to viewing the exhibition, can optionally include role-playing a soldier, watching a film on the cinema screen in the hall, dance animation, shepherd games and a partisan lunch.
- Additional offer:
Tudi organizacija doživetja za kolektive, šolske ter večje skupine, ki poleg ogleda razstave lahko po želji vključuje igrano vodenje vojaka, ogled filma na filmskem platnu v dvorani, plesno animacijo, pastirske igre in partizansko malico.
- Price:
3 EUR/osebo ogled razstave; voden ogled 50 EUR (od 2 do 20 oseb)
- Duration:
60 minut
- Minimum number of participants:
- Maximum number of participants:
- Ulica Otona Župančiča 1
- SI 8340 Črnomelj
- info@zik-crnomelj.si
- +386 7 306 13 90

ZIK Črnomelj
<p>Zavod za izobraževanje in kulturo Črnomelj je leta 1959 ustanovila Občina Črnomelj. Namen ustanovitve ZIK Črnomelj je pospeševanje razvoja izobraževanja odraslih, kinematografske in kulturniške dejavnosti.</p><p>ZIK Črnomelj ima dve enoti, ZIK - enoto Ljudska univerza in ZIK - enoto Kulturni dom, ki nista samostojni v smislu pooblastil v pravnem prometu. Sedež zavoda je v stavbi Kulturnega doma Črnomelj, ki je kulturni spomenik državnega pomena, na Ulici Otona Župančiča 1 v Črnomlju.</p>