They offer high-quality units with high-quality beds to guests. There are several types of units available, from fully independent apartments to rooms with their own bathrooms. All units are air-conditioned. In addition to the rich breakfast, guests can try homemade products such as different distillates, juices, jams, honey, etc. They can also make use of a summerhouse where they can spend pleasant time in good company and tasty grilled food. Rental of bicycles is also possible.


3 sobe s kopalnico (double z zakonsko posteljo, twin z ločenimi posteljami), 2 apartmaja (zakonska postelja in pogradi)

Selection of food:

nočitev z zajtrkom po dogovoru


kontinentalni (hladni) zajtrk, angleški zajtrk (s toplimi dodatki)

Additional offer:

balkon, terasa in/ali zunanji vrt, vrtna uta z žarom in kaminom, najem koles, degustacija domačih izdelkov, notranji igralni kotiček (namizni nogomet, pikado, razne namizne igre), opazovanje divjadi na pašniku v bližini nastanitve

More info

  • Access adjusted to disabled persons
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Parking lot
  • Pets allowed
  • Family friendly

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Frankovič Bed & Breakfast
Hrast pri Vinici 31a, SI-8344 VINICA

Frankovič Bed & Breakfast