Bistrica lodgings are located in Bistrica, which stands on the Črnomelj-Kočevje road and is 9 km from Črnomlje. There are 4 double rooms and 1 single room. Each room has its own bathroom. The accommodation is especially suitable for visitors who want peace and genuine contact with nature. The location is an excellent starting point for hiking tourism, as the village is located near the highest peaks of the Črnomalja municipality, Debeli vrh and Židovac, and you can explore the forgotten nomadic villages in the surroundings by bicycle.


2 dvoposteljni sobi z dodatnim ležiščem, 2 dvoposteljni sobi, 1 enoposteljna soba


zajtrk lokalnih dobrot


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Bistrica Rooms
Bistrica 1, 8340 Črnomelj

Sobe Bistrica