Renting of rooms with 12 beds in the wine-growing district where we take you to the cellar and offer different wines from our own vineyard.


5 sob (double z zakonsko posteljo)

Selection of food:

nočitev z zajtrkom


kontinentalni (hladni) zajtrk, angleški zajtrk (s toplimi dodatki)

Additional offer:

balkon, terasa in/ali zunanji vrt, žar, zunanje igrišče, notranji igralni kotiček, možnost vodenja po Beli krajini, ponudba vin iz lastnega vinograda


    More info

    • Free Wi-Fi
    • Parking lot
    • Pets allowed
    • Family friendly

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    Vrtin Rooms
    Tanča Gora 93, SI 8343 Dragatuš

    Vrtin Rooms