Belokranjski hram Store
The company Belokranjski hram, trgovina in storitve d.o.o. was founded in 2014. The idea for the Belokranjski hram store and brand was born in December 2013 with the intention of selling products by top producers in Bela krajina. The store opened on 11 April 2014 in the old city centre of Črnomelj.
In Belokranjski hram you can buy: honey and honey products, flour, oil, tea, wine, spirits, wooden products, gifts, beekeeping equipment, bio products and souvenirs from Bela krajina.
Store opening hours:
MON, TUE, THU, FRI: 9am–4pm
WEDNESDAY: 9am–5pm
SATURDAY: 8am–12.00am
- Ulica Staneta Rozmana 26
- SI-8340 Črnomelj
- info.belokranjski-hram@t-2.si
- +386 40 748 588

Ulica Staneta Rozmana 26, SI-8340 Črnomelj