Kanižarica Brown Coal Mine Collection
The Kanižarica Brown Coal Mine Collection showcases the mining history of Bela Krajina, the most important part of which is the formation and development of the Kanižarica Coal Mine. The museum is separated in three parts: the museum collection, the mine tower and the pit. The museum collection encompasses the following parts: the geological history of Bela Krajina with the presentation of the geological development of the area of current Bela Krajina and the formation of the Kanižarica coal mining cave, the history of the Kanižarica coal mine depicting the history of the coal mine from the beginning in 1857 until the shutdown in 1997, the process of coal mining depicting the path of coal from the working site in the cave to the furnace, life at the mine depicting the cultural and sports life of the miners. All four parts provide the visitor of the museum with a comprehensive insight into the history of the mine, work in it and life around it. The second half of the museum encompasses the mine tower and pit. Both serve as a representation of the work in the pit and the mine atmosphere. The museum thus provides a comprehensive image of the formation and development of the Kanižarica coal mine and offers and insight into the mining heritage of Bela Krajina.