Bela Krajina Green Destination

Bela krajina has been part of the Slovenian Green Tourism Scheme since 2016. The Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism is a national programme and certification scheme which, under the umbrella brand SLOVENIA GREEN, brings together all efforts for the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia, provides destinations and providers with concrete tools for assessing and improving their sustainable performance, and promotes this green performance through the Slovenia Green brand. Slovenia Green is a national programme and certification scheme which brings together all efforts for the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia under the umbrella brand SLOVENIA GREEN.

Green DNA

Green DNA is a description of the character of our destination. It is who we are and who we want to become. Green DNA encompasses our efforts to improve and progress, while maintaining the authenticity that the destination has.

Bela krajina it embraces visitors with a magical unique character, co-created by nature and the multiethnic challenge of heritage. It welcomes guests with a smile and an open heart, inviting them to discover its secrets and indulge in its flavours. Bela krajina warm-hearted people.

Green Destinations

Destinations are assessed using the international Green Destinations Standard tool, which allows for both national and international comparability and visibility. In order to maintain this label, various activities need to be carried out to collect data on the sustainability of the destination's tourism development and to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable tourism among the local population, the economy, visitors and other stakeholders. With these guidelines and recommendations in mind, the destination prepares an Action Plan(link to document) to be shared with the Municipal Councils. For the period 2023 - 2026 Bela krajina recipient of the Slovenia Green Bronze label.