Bicycle rental "BiKe"
Automated electric bicycle rental system "BiKe"
Support and help
Call center: +386 (0)1 5305 303
Registration and information
TIC Črnomelj: +386 (0)40 883 162
TIC Semič: +386 (0)40 625 148
terms and conditions
BiKe - General rules and conditions of use
What is BiKe?
BiKe is a system for automated bike rental in the Bela krajina area and is part of the DBK Bike system (Dolenjska and Bela krajina Bike).
The BiKe system makes it easy to rent and ride bicycles, which are currently available at one station in Semič and one station in Črnomlje.
How can I start using the system?
First you need to register. Two ways are possible:
via the MOBILN.SI mobile application
in person at the headquarters of TIC Črnomelj or Semič TIC, where you get a card upon registration and then pick up the bike at the selected station and return it at the same or another station.
How many e-bikes are available and where?
A total of eight e-bikes are in use, which can be picked up and dropped off at two stations:
Črnomelj - city center,
Semič - the core of Trieste.
How long can I ride the bike?
For all users of the system, bicycle rental is limited to 14 hours (or 840 minutes) per week. You can check your time quota usage at any time at the information terminal.
How much does it cost to rent an electric bike?
The user of the BiKe system can choose between the following options:
the annual membership fee is EUR 25 (valid from 1 January to 31 December in the current year),
a monthly membership fee of EUR 5 is also available.
Who provides the free loan and why?
Free bicycle rental is made possible by the Municipality of Črnomelj and Municipality of Semič, which, as part of the "Rural Bicycle Chain" project, obtained EU co-financing from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in the amount of EUR 21,571.71 each for the installation of one station in each municipality. The use of BiKe system services is subsidized with the aim of promoting sustainable mobility.

- Instructions for users (101 kB)
- Instructions for using electric bicycles (113 kB)
- General rules and conditions of use (206 kB)