Damelj Cycling Route

The dynamic route takes you along the foothills of the Poljanska Mountain, past scenic little villages, fields, and pastures to the Kolpa Valley. Part of the cycling route follows the hiking trail along the banks of the Kolpa River that guides you to the southernmost point in Slovenia, the village of Kot. On the way back to Črnomelj you go through Vinica, past the Oton Župančič Memorial House, and through the typical broad leaf forest of Bela Krajina.

Technical description

  • Waypoints: Črnomelj-Kanižarica-Dobliče-Daljne Njive-Špeharji-Srednji Radenci-Kot-Damelj-Učakovci-Vinica-Ogulin-Bojanci-Tribuče-Črnomelj

  • Start: TIC Črnomelj

  • Access:
    • By car: Novo mesto–Metlika–Črnomelj or Ivančna Gorica–Žužemberk–Dolenjske Toplice–Črnomelj
    • By train: from Metlika or Novi mesto
  • Length: 68 km

  • Time: 4 h

  • Highest point: Vušec, 613 m

  • Difficulty: Moderate

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Points of interest

Črnomelj’s old town core (St. Peter’s Parish Church, Municipal Museum Collection Črnomelj, Pastoral Centre, Holy Ghost Church, Primožič House), Fortun’s espalier, Sinji Vrh waterhole, southernmost Slovenian hiking trail from Radenci to Damelj, mill in Breg, Kobiljača cave, Kot near Damelj, Damelj (St. Michael’s Church), Vinica (Oton Župančič Memorial Collection), Bojanci (St. George’s Church – Orthodox church)